19 September 2013


Do you ever dreamin' about a perfect...lover? Someone who love you 'that much', that everytime he looks into your eyes, you feels like..you melted, he's just too hot! haha. Naa, JK. I mean it's like.. All you can see in his eyes is future, and yes you can see in his eyes that he is trully love you. Aiih mateeee bahasanya.

 BTW dia temen sd gueee lo harus tau haha dunia sempit emang ckck. Suka inget sama habibie yang waktu sd deh, dia itu lucu sekalii. Aduh tapi kayaknya gue dulu jahat gitudeh sama cowo haha aah termasuk sama abi-_- becandaan gue suka jelek. Terus gue pikun abis gitu haha gue ga inget banyak kejadian dari waktu sd ama abi dah. Gua inget dia suka one piece, gue inget kita pernah sok-sok an surat-suratan, pernah abinya romantis banget waktu study tour, nangkep ikan bareng gitu, terus abinya bawain koper sama bawain minum gitu :3 uuw sosweet yaa abinya. Apalagi? Pernah berenang waktu ulang tahun gue sama temen2 gue yang lain juga.  Hihi oia jadian sama abinya tanggal 8 bulan 7 tahun 2013. Gue jadian di parkiran jir-_- ada apa dengan habibie ini, romantis tapi nembak cewe di parkiran. Sedih ya. Eh tapi, haha gitudah pokoknya. Jadian sama abi ga pake PDKT, langsung ! Langsung nikah kalo bisa *eh. Ini abinya gamau nikahin gue tapi, masa abinya suka bilang "kalo nikah sekarang kamu mau makan apa" gitu. Emang omongannya mature sih, tapi ya gue, sebagai cewe, sebenarnya mengharapkan jawaban yang romantis. Eh tapi magical! Mungkin dia punya bubuk peri ajaib, dan sebelum nembak gue dia menaburkannya kepada gue sehingga hati gue melembek jadi semudah itu gue menerima dia. Tapi however, i'm happy to be with him now.

Habibie ini romantis dan asik dan gentle dan perhatian dan selalu ada buat gue dan penyabar dan penyayang dan cool dan sok ngartis dan kadang ke-GR-an  dan sweet dan pengertian dan ga cemburuan dan dan menghargai wanita dan mature dan dia punya gue ! Rasakan kalian kalian, stok cowo idaman di dunia ini berkurang~ HAHA

Oia, Abi masa mau aja pacaran sama gue walopun udah tau betapa freak, wierd, 'berbeda'nya gue. Aduh habibie udah pernah tuh denger gue bilang gue mules, udah apalagi yak haha apaan sih gua. Gua ngapain aja aneh sih haha jadi ya gitudeh. dan anehnya dia ngga ilfeel. Aduh hebat sekali cowo ini, nggak gampang mual. Hebat. Coba aja kalo gampang enek, udah dimuntahin gue~ ehapaansih. Gue udah cerita semuamuanya ke dia dan dia biasa aja. Beneran nerima gua apa adanya kayaknya. Hebat. Tapi kalo diliat dari pandangan orang ketiga, aneh emang ada cowo yang bisa suka sama semua keanehan dalam pikiran gue.

cowo idaman itu apasih? Yang perhatian? Abi iya. Yang handsome? Abi iya. Yang sayang sama pacarnya? Abi iya. Perfect enough?

He treat me like a queen.. Itu yang bikin gue melting banget. Dan rela gitu dia bolak-balik cikarang-jonggol setiap minggu :'D Ya Allah, dari dulu aja gua pacaran sama abi, insyaallah bahagia lahir batin haha. Tapi LDR dah bete-_- Habibienya nih jauh banget huaaa! Kenapa sih abinya ga sekolah di jakarta ajaaa. Kan ga mungkin gue sekolah di cikarang, udah mana dia anak swasta, mana sekolah dia bajunya kotak-kotak, mana temen-temennya pada khdbnksdfuhebsd.

Apansih? Udah gitu aja. Habibie perfect. Dan asal kalian tahu, ehm.. cowo kaya abi langka. Sampai ada yang berani coba-coba ngambil Abi dari gue, dijamin besoknya mobilnya baret-baret, kaca rumah pecah, ada bangke tikus didepan rumah, dan tiba-tiba disekolah dikira jabs (re: wanita murahan, jablay). sekian dan terima kasih.

18 September 2013

Fara, great leader in education program of Tulang Bawang

Her name is Fara Ramadhina, a bachelor graduation of social and politic science faculty of university of Indonesia, one of the best universities in Indonesia. She graduated with cumlaude result, and can easily get a job in good company.  But she has done something different, a sincere job to give something for others, to dedicate her knowledge to teach children in the middle of nowhere. “Indonesia Mengajar”, is the independent program to send the best and chosen under graduated student to teach at the elementary school in the place where the education still need improvement and far from down-town.

The reason of why I am decided to write about Fara, is because I want to show that figure of the leader is not only the person who can speech well in front of audience, or has a high position in company or government, but the most important thing is they are respected and trusted by people around them, do great thing and work hard in doing a change to make other people have a better life.

Fara has been placed in some place named Way Kenanga, West Tulang Bawang, Lampung, Sumatra, Indonesia. She has been appointed to become an additional teacher in SDN 04 indraloka II (government elementary school) for one year.  The goal of the “Indonesia Mengajar” program not only to send additional teacher to the school, but also to improve the school’s quality, the student’s quality, the existing teacher’s quality, and most important thing is to introduce high quality of teaching method.  And at the end of the day, the quality of Indonesian children will be improved.

One of many interesting things is the place where Fara has been placed is a place that far from anywhere, need hours to get there by car, and the electricity often shut off, can be 4 times a day. In the place like that, many people do not realize the importance of education.  Therefore, she not only teaching her students about regular study, but also has to become a role model for her student.

Align with the goal of the program, she has to influence people, teachers, and government officer’s mindset to realize of how important good education.  Her role there is to change people’s mindset, and that role is what leader supposes to do. “Need a leadership skill to change other people’s mindset. It can be done by discussion, cooperation with government officer, sharing motivation to youth, training for teachers, etc”, Fara explained her role.

The school and people condition when Fara first come on November 2012, is different from now days.  Before, many teachers do not know how to use demo kit for teaching, some teachers have a lack of knowledge in understanding the student’s need, the student do not know how to dream, do not have motivation to go to higher grade of school.  People’s response in the beginning is not always well, there must be people who do not open minded and willing to accept changes, even if that is to make things better. On top of that, Fara also try to know her students more deeply, to be able to influence their mindset and give motivation of how important education is. And there are not only her students, but also their parent’s point of view about education.

She has to teach her students to be dared to dream high. In that place, people usually send their children only until Junior High School, and do not continue to the higher grade to Senior High School or University.  In many occasions Fara join social events to give training and education. She also gives motivation for her student to reach higher education and help them to register to university.
She proudly said that this year, there are 4 senior high school students that get scholarship in good University. That is a very good achievement for her.  That achievement becomes a pioneer to change people’s mindset of how important education is. As she said, this is only a beginning from long journey to make Indonesia’s student have a dream high and get better education.