22 April 2018

He said,
"you look thicker"

-Yes I know, I am, and I'm not proud of it. 
"And you look skinnier," I said.

"It's a compliment tho."
"I like thick girls"

Dari sekian banyak orang yang gue temui, temen temen yang ada di sekitar gue, baru kali ini gue bener bener ada denger dari mulut seorang laki-laki bahwa beneran ada laki-laki yang suka cewe thick.

Finally gue mendengar bahwa being fat is not always bad.
And someone love it!

Terlepas dari dia jujur atau ngga, tapi it makes me feel good. I feel better about myself. 
(But he looks sincere)
(and i want to believe that he mean it)

So ya, a simple thing that could make my day.
I always hate my body and shape. And I don't get comfortable in my daily "tertutup" outfit.

I still want to be skinnier tho,
But I just wanted to be happy.

And you're not helping me, Bo. I hate to feel bad of being not as beautiful as you wish.

I love using those shortpants even if I have a thick things.
I am proud of my breast, I don't happy to always has to use those loose shirt.
I love my curly hairs, the way it is. Stop calling me botak, cause I'm not.
I love to get tanned, I don't care if any other girl just want to have fairer skin.

Or I loved,
I used to.

I wish you one day will really accept me as who I am.
No matter what size I am, Bo.

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