i am about to get married in less than 2 years now. 2017 is almost over and im planned to married on march 2019. its only 16 month. and i have a lot in my mind, mostly thinking about my baby kenken. somehow, at this age all i can think about is how to be a great person so i can give kenken a good life.
i never scared of being broke or homeless, i dont care even if i have to live in a junkyard. but i MUST work hard so my baby kenken dont need to live that way. i want kenken to be safe, to live in a safe neighborhood and have a good neighbor too. i want kenken to go to international school. i want to give kenken all the toy he want. i want to teach him all the language in the world, so he can grow bigger, grow better, and explore the world.
lately, im thinking about, do my future-husband deserve to be the father to my baby ken? i know he is, afterall, a pretty good partner. but will he be a good father? because most man don't. will he work his best, as hard as i work, to give kenken all the live kenken deserve? will my fiancee can be a father that i always wanted?
i know some people might think that it's not a good think to write some bad things of my own family on internet. but again. its my blog and i have right to write EVERYTHING i want as long as i dont harm anyone. ayah pernah marah sih karena aisyah curhat sama temen aisyah tentang masalah keluarga, apalagi ini cerita di blog.
maaf ya ayah... but i got this on my mind, and i always love to write it on my blog, so one day, i can re-read.
i really worried that my future husband cant be a hero for my baby ken. no matter ow strong i will be, no matter even if i put fake mustache and use man cloth, but i cant EVER replace kenken's dad role. aiisyah beneran khawatir gitu loh.
ah tadinya mau nulis panjang. but well, i was inspired to write it because i have stalked dedy corbuzier for almost 4 hour, just to admire how close he is with his son, and that he willing to do everything for his son.
tapi aisyah harus jemput ibu. bye bye